Research and Evaluation Consulting Maryland

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Finding freedom in who you are even though you have life responsibilities

NEWS FLASH: You need a break!

Yes, you! 

This is for all the mamas, business owners, hustlers, goal-setters, girlies chasing their dreams, and everyone in between. 

This is for you! 

When was the last time you took a step away from life’s responsibilities? 

I’m not talking about scrolling on your phone for a couple of hours or binge-watching your favorite Netflix show. 

I’m talking about taking a full step away from your life’s responsibilities to fully embrace your independence, spend time reflecting on who you are, and find balance in life.

Does it sound too good to be true?

“Dara, how will I ever make the time for such a break?” 

You have to prioritize it! 

You deserve a break! 

You need a break!  

I hate to break it to you, but when your break is over, your responsibilities will still be there. The dishes will still need to be done, the emails will still need to be sent, and that pile of laundry won’t magically get smaller.

I recommend choosing a break that will help you grow as a person. If you’re going to take time away to refresh, I believe there is a tremendous benefit in spending that time to learn how you tick and how you can better thrive when you return to life’s responsibilities. 

Now, personally, I recommend taking a break from everyday life by attending Rooted, but there are countless benefits to separating yourself from life’s responsibilities. 

What Rooted is all about

It’s no secret that I’m passionate about creating incredible opportunities for amazing women. 

This is what Rooted is all about!

I get it; women need a break.

Life is going to keep throwing curveballs at you, and you’re going to have to learn how to navigate them. 

Rooted is an opportunity to take a break away from the curveballs and to find life balance and mind-body connection. 

At Rooted, you get to connect with fellow women. Learn from one another, share your successes and struggles, and create meaningful memories. It’s an opportunity to meet other amazing women from similar walks of life. 

BONUS: You get to connect with fellow women while basking in the soothing desert air, stargazing at night, and floating in a perfectly heated saltwater pool. 

You’re not going to learn how to practice self-care by reading self-help books and staying in on a Friday night. Instead, you need to remove yourself from your responsibilities and find freedom by embracing your independence.

You are a unique individual. 

It’s time you celebrate your independence away from life’s responsibilities. 

At Rooted, you can join planned sessions to help maintain your center and incorporate moments of self-care into your regular routine. Rooted is a time for you to take a break like you’ve never taken a break before. 

You deserve to invest in yourself, disconnect from your duties, and recharge in an intimate location surrounded by nature, beauty, and new friends.

Book your seat at Rooted today. I can’t wait to meet you.

Photos by Emily Wilkerson