Life's Little Luxuries: Find Joy in the Little Things
I want to let you in on a little secret.
You don’t have to break the budget to enjoy life’s luxuries.
In fact, you don’t even need to spend anything to enjoy life’s luxuries.
Luxury is defined as, “something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary.” Now, I do find it interesting that while I was researching the definition of luxury, some of them had the word “expensive” in it, and some didn’t.
I truly believe that something doesn’t have to be expensive for it to be luxurious.
I also believe that capitalism has influenced us to crave luxurious and expensive things to perpetuate consumerism, instead of focusing on the luxuries that already surround our everyday life.
A list of 25 of life’s luxuries:
Desert air
Temp-controlled pool water
The sun on your face
Leaves blowing in the wind
The scent of earth after rain
A baby’s giggle
The way a crystal feels when you hold it
Freshly washed bed sheets
Waves crashing on the beach
Dancing under the stars
The first sip of your morning coffee
Hugging someone you love
A glass of ice-cold water on a hot day
Your feet in the grass
Your favorite song on a road trip
Anything that smells nice
A big stretch in the morning
Skipping a rock across open water
A cat nap in the sun
A cup of tea and a good book
Watching the clouds drift by
A handwritten note
A call with an old friend
This list only took me a few minutes to come up with.
Because life’s luxuries surround us.
There are amazing things all around us that add to our pleasure and comfort in life, and this is going to look different for every single person.
Now, I do want to note that everyone’s experiences are different. Everyone is going to experience life’s luxuries differently, and some luxuries are going to be more accessible for others. I recognize that some people feel that they don’t have the free time to enjoy the luxuries that life has to offer (though more on that in a minute), and I also recognize that class, race, gender, and more can all impact someone’s ability to enjoy something that other people may enjoy.
I just want to comment on that because it’s important that we acknowledge that everyone’s situation is different and is going to impact what they enjoy in life.
Okay, but in saying that, I also believe that we all deserve to enjoy the luxuries that life has to offer, and I think it’s important to we each prioritize this.
How do I learn to enjoy life’s luxuries?
I want you to start by asking yourself: What makes me happy?
Create a list.
Just like the one I created above, but don’t feel like you only have to include affordable or free things on it (feel free to include designer bags, trips to Cancun, or whatever you’d like). Just take the time to write out your list, and answer “what makes me happy?”
Once you have a list, take time to read over it.
I think there’s a pretty high chance that there are going to be things on your list like “alone time” or “time with my family” or “time in nature.”
All of these things are free and accessible.
If your list only has material items on it, take some time to consider what experiences you enjoy, and add those to your list too!
It’s okay to love expensive things, and it’s also okay to recognize that there are a lot more things in life that are luxurious.
All of our lives we’ve been influenced by media, consumerism, and capitalism to always want more. Our wardrobes change with the seasons, our technology is always out of date, there’s always a new gadget calling our name.
But what if next time you went to buy something you thought to yourself “is this going to bring me joy and comfort, or am I just buying this to try to feel something?”
Yikes! That question may be hard for some of us.
But when you take the time to ask yourself that, you may be surprised that a lot of life’s luxuries that you’re conditioned to believe will bring you joy, aren’t actually going to make a difference.
Instead, life’s luxuries are often simple things that already surround us.
I’m not saying don’t buy things.
You can buy whatever you’d like.
I’m just saying, that when you take the time to step away from a consumerist mindset and consider what types of things bring you comfort and pleasure, you may be surprised.
A pair of designer heels may bring your comfort and pleasure (though I’m a bit skeptical about the comfort aspect), but you may also find the same amount of comfort and pleasure in a bubble bath.
Rather than scouring the internet for your next impulse purchase, grab a book and soak in the tub for an hour. I do it all the time.
But wait, it gets better.
When you learn that life’s luxuries are often experiences that leave you full, you’re able to curate a life of passion and love.
You don’t need the latest and greatest to have a remarkable life. Instead, you just need to have a willingness to carve out time for the things that matter to you, to enjoy the little luxuries of life, and to find balance in your everyday.
What luxury will you enjoy today?