Newsletter Archive
Retreats & Building Community
We don’t have to go this alone, nor should we. The power of authentic community. (June 2022)
The Art of Gathering & the power of community (May 2022)
I kind of hate to admit it, but I miss networking (June 2022)
Take a walk on the wild side by stepping out of your comfort zone (May 2022)
Setting & Achieving your Goals
All about the email lists
How can I help you? Let’s get a coffee! (Aug. 2022)
Sustainable Self-Care
You need & deserve a break: Finding freedom in who you are even though you have life responsibilities (August 2022)
All about sustainable self-care (July 2022)
You have to put yourself first sometimes, it’s critical for your well-being and self-care (June 2022)
Join the rest revolution (May 2022)
General Updates & Newsletters
December Newsletter (Dec. 2022)
November Newsletter (Nov. 2022)
Fall 2022 Newsletter: This season’s top five (Oct. 2022)
Newsletter: What I’ve been up to since the Rooted Retreat (Oct. 2022)
Introductions: Who are you? who am I? (Sept. 2022)
All about auras (Sept. 2022)
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I like to consider myself an empathetic extrovert (Aug. 2022)
Update: Closing Bloom registration and previewing Rooted (May 2022)